
National Campaigns

Being Legambiente means to be deeply rooted on a specific territory, but also, and above all, be part of something larger: a wide national network made of clubs and people. This gives the necessary strength to every club to act as an authoritative and reliable entity within its territory, thanks to the reliable environmental dossier and research proposed by the National Scientific Committee of Legambiente.

But the most significant point that brings together the different realities of Legambiente, scattered all along our Peninsula, are the National Campaigns, through which the central topics for the development and environmental protection of the country are put under the spotlight, identifying problems and proposing solutions.

Puliamo il mondo - Clean up the World

Puliamo il mondo - Clean up the World

During the last weekend of September a series of initiatives involve citizens in the independent and spontaneous cleaning of urban centers and degraded areas. A gesture to show the demand for cleaner cities and prettier environments, a concrete act towards taking care of the world we live in. This is the Italian version of the initiative "Clean-up the World", born in Australia, which Legambiente organizes since 1994.

The Lecco club in recent years organized the day entrusting, in a perspective way, to the elementary schools children from Malgrate the cleaning of the green spaces of their city.



Lakes are a valuable environmental, cultural and economic resource filled with beautiful places and landscapes. Yet the ecological and tourist importance of lakes is often overlooked and their fragile ecosystem at risk: illegal dumping, illegal building, excessive captation, depletion of local flora and fauna threaten them. For this reason a monitoring and information campaign about the health of lake ecosystems, the Lakes Schooner, was born: a month to discover the abuses committed against the lakes but also an important opportunity to talk about quality tourism and sustainable economy, to encourage accommodation facilities towards a more environmental sustainable management of their structures, to promote policies to protect the coast and biodiversity.

This campaign is even more central for our territory, having our most characteristic and distinctive peculiarity in Lake Como, which is also an environmental, economic and cultural resource of primary importance but, at the same time, is extremely fragile and too often underestimated.



Since 2002, with the information campaign "La Carovana delle Alpi" Legambiente defends and promotes the Alpine region, a fragile ecosystem threatened by over-exploitation of its resources. From July to October the Legambiente clubs organize trips and meetings, converse with citizens, economic forces and institutions to stimulate a constructive discussion towards sustainable development.



Mal'aria is the protest campaign to shout that our lungs are busted!

The goals: to denounce the damage that pollution causes on health, encourage local authorities to find effective and lasting solutions and promote good practices of sustainable mobility.

The fight against the smog is one of the central issues of Legambiente and is confronted with daily determination by local clubs wherever it is necessary.

Throughout Italy, with NO SMOG as a common denominator, clubs organize blitzes against the failure of the authorities, protest by bicycles, air pollution monitoring, promotion of local projects for sustainable mobility.


Every winter Legambiente organizes activities at heights, other than skiing, to share the pleasure of a trip to the mountains and promote a reflection on the issues of land management and the use of resources. In many places, the winter tourism exclusively relies on the monoculture of ski fueling particularly impactful habits: large amounts of water and energy costs for artificial snow, continuous expansion of the ski areas in sensitive and protected territories, increase of traffic and smog for the hit and run skiing during the weekend, second homes business which consumes soil. The Nevediversa initiatives put first the extraordinary beauty of our mountain landscapes, a great and irreplaceable national treasure that we can protect by choosing a soft tourism driven by the desire to experience, before consuming.

Legambiente Lecco has organized for years a snowshoe hike by moonlight in Val di Mello (Valmasino - SO), to involve our local communities and show a different mountain in a night of community, reflection and fun.


Legambiente Lecco Onlus


  • Operational headquarters
    Via Cairoli, 67
    23900 - Lecco (LC)
  • Registered Office
    Via Balassi, SNC
    Loc. Eremo di Monte Barro
    23851 - Galbiate (LC)

    P. IVA: 02460240134

Contact Us

  • +39 0341 365798
  • Informations
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  • Administrative Office
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Social network

Legambiente Lecco
Ostello Parco Monte Barro

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